Mar 27, 2012

iPhone 4S Users Can’t Get Enough of Siri or Can They?

A Parks Associates survey set out to find out just how well-liked Siri is. The verdict — more than 70% of iPhone 4S users said they are very satisfied or satisfied with the intelligent assistant.

For the most part, iPhone 4S users love Siri. She’s usually helpful, witty and funny even with her quirks and kinks.

With this kind of consumer support, it seems iPhone users would be excited to use Siri voice command with other electronics — but the numbers say otherwise. According to the survey, consumers are unsure about Siri’s ability to function properly. 37% of iPhone 4S users surveyed said they would like a Siri interface on their TV, while about 20% would not.

“People are expressing some reservations about Siri that could impact its popularity on other platforms,” said John Barrett, Director of Consumer Analytics for Parks Associates. “Some said Siri didn’t work well against background noise. Others said it had trouble understanding commands. These problems could be amplified in a noisy living room, where the main TV would be located.”

This could be bad news for Apple. Rumor has it the company may soon bring Siri to TV sets, making the remote obsolete. Voice-activated TVs would dramatically change the TV watching experience. However, this report shows Apple will have to do some convincing to get people to let go of the remote control.

“I would have expected more owners to want Siri for their TV set,” Barrett said. “These are the folks that rushed out to get the new iPhone 4S.”

TV watching actually could be a good fit for Siri. The speech recognition feature usually messes up on obscure questions and answers promptly to commands. It would be hard for her to misunderstand, “I want to watch Mad Men on Netflix” or “go to channel 41.”

Apple has made no announcements about a Siri TV. For now, Siri is only baked into iPhone 4S.



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